Abstract #4156
Connectivity of the posterior cingulate cortex in ADHD children patients.
Benito de Celis Alonso 1 , Silvia Hidalgo Tobn 2 , Pilar Dies Suarez 2 , and Eduardo Barragn Prez 2
BUAP, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico,
Infantil de Mxico Federico Gmez, Mexico DF, Mexico
The Posterior Cingulate Cortex is a key node of the
default mode network of resting states and has been
shown to be affected by ADHD. Several studies exist on
the resting states of this disorder but little to no
amount of work to our knowledge exists studying the
specific ROI to ROI connectivity. In this project we
compared ADHD children patients with healthy ones. We
assessed the differences in connectivity in their
resting states with a special focus in the role of the
posterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortex.
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