Abstract #3892
Accelerated Cine DENSE using Variable Density Spirals and Compressed Sensing with Parallel Imaging
Xiao Chen 1 , Yang Yang 1 , Michael Salerno 2,3 , Craig H. Meyer 1 , and Frederick H. Epstein 1
Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United
Cardiology, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
Cine DENSE (Displacement Encoding with Stimulated
Echoes) provides accurate and high-resolution
displacement and strain imaging of the heart; however,
image acquisition times are relatively long and, due to
properties inherent to stimulated echoes,
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is relatively low. In this
study, using variable-density spiral acquisitions with
golden angle rotations and BLOSM-SENSE reconstruction,
accelerated cine DENSE images with two-dimensional
in-plane displacement encoding can be acquired in a
single breathhold, as short as 8 heartbeats. This
represents a significant improvement over prior
protocols that used two 14-heartbeats breathholds to
acquire equivalent datasets.
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