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Abstract #3791

Single-shot Acquisition of [1-13C]Pyruvate and Lactate on a 3T Clinical Scanner

Benjamin J. Geraghty 1,2 , Justin Y. C. Lau 1,2 , Albert P. Chen 3 , and Charles H. Cunningham 1,2

1 Dept. of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2 Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 3 GE Healthcare, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Simultaneous acquisition of multiple hyperpolarized 13C metabolites within a single-shot is possible through jointly sampling k-t space with a spiral trajectory that oversamples the field-of-view, and has been demonstrated on a small animal scanner. Due to limited gradient performance in conventional clinical scanners, achieving large oversampling rates while maintaining adequate resolution within a single readout is unfeasible. We relax the oversampling requirement by selectively exciting only two metabolites using a dual-band spectral-spatial pulse. Images are recovered through a model based least squares reconstruction. In vivo feasibility of simultaneous acquisition of hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate and lactate is demonstrated on a healthy rat.

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lactateacquisitionbicarbonateformateoversamplingalanineexcitationspatialspiralphantomnecessaryshotspectralclinicaldualin vivo