Abstract #3679
Non-Contrast Assessment Microvascular Blood Flow Fraction to Evaluate Treatment Efficiency of MR guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MR-HIFU) Surgery of Uterine Fibroids
Feifei Qu 1 , Amol Pednekar 2 , Pei Hor 1,3 , Claudio Arena 4 , Janie Swaab 4 , Debra Dees 4 , Brenda Lambert 4 , and Raja Muthupillai 4
University of Houston, Houston, TX, United
Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States,
Center for Superconductivity, Houston, TX, United
and Interventional Radiology, St. Luke's Medical Center,
Houston, TX, United States
In this study, we sought to evaluate non-contrast
imaging alternatives that can yield information
regarding MR-HIFU treatment efficiency. In specific, we
evaluate the following MR metrics for evaluating MR-HIFU
treatment efficiency: (a) T2 maps (surrogate for edema),
(b) Blood-flow fraction (f) maps (surrogate for tissue
perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) or low b-value
diffusion acquisition), and (c) ADC maps estimated from
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (high b-value DWI as a
surrogate for restricted diffusion). PWI (low b value)
is a non-contrast alternative to conventional NPV based
estimation of MR-HIFU treatment efficiency. The
blood-volume fraction map (f-maps) provide better
delineation between treated and untreated regions than
T2 map, or conventional ADC map, and is more insensitive
to other confounding factors such as T2 changes after
HIFU treatment
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