Abstract #3439
Volume of interest and apparent diffusion coefficient histograms analysis in patients with mucosal malignant melanoma of the head and neck
TETSURO SEKINE 1 , Hirofumi Kuno 2 , Kotaro Sekiya 2 , and Mitsuo Satake 2
Radiology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo,
Radiology Division, National Cancer Center Hospital
East, Chiba, Japan
We performed the VOI and ADC histogram analysis for
malignant melanoma of the head and neck (MMHN) and
compared these findings with keratinizing squamous cell
carcinoma (SCC). The ADC distribution of MMHN had lower
and right shifted peak than that of SCC which reflects
lower MV, C10 and kurtosis. VOI and ADC histogram
analysis with 3T-MRI has the potential to be useful for
diagnosis of MMHN.
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