Abstract #3427
The susceptibility blooming effect at high field MR: Quantitative evaluation of its dark glow dependence
Yulin Ge 1 , Jean-Christophe Brisset 1 , Youssef Zaim Wadghiri 1 , and Pippa Storey 1
Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New
York, NY, United States
Susceptibility blooming effect in MRI refers to signal
loss due to local field inhomogeneity that is larger
than the actual size of the material that caused it.
This phenomenon is more pronounced at gradient echo T2*
imaging and higher field strength MR, which has great
potential in detection of cerebral microbleeds or
ultra-small structures or lesions with iron component
(e.g. amyloid plaques). This presentation will provide
quantitative information of blooming effects (i.e. size
changes) that are dependent on (1) field strength, (2)
pulse sequence, (3) iron concentration, (4) imaging
parameters, (5) image post-processing (i.e. SWI).
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