Abstract #3243
Phase Corrected Bipolar Gradients in Multiecho Gradient Echo Sequences for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Jianqi Li 1 , Tian Liu 2,3 , Shixin Chang 4 , Fang Dong 1 , Hongwei Jiang 1 , and Yi Wang 2,3
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Magnetic
Resonance and Department of Physics, East China Normal
University, Shanghai, Shanghai, China,
of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York, United States,
of Radiology, Weill Medical College of Cornell
University, New York, United States,
of Radiology, Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional
Chinese and Western Medicine, Shanghai, China
Multi-echo GRE sequences using bipolar readout gradients
can offer efficient data acquisition for quantitative
susceptibility mapping (QSM), but the bipolar gradient
approach requires correction for phase errors. A simple
linear phase correction in read-out direction is
demonstrated in this study to allow accurate QSM in
human brain using the bipolar multiecho GRE sequence.
For all subjects and all ROIs studies, the bipolar
multiecho acquisition provides good quantitative
agreement with and reduces the noise in the unipolar
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