Abstract #3228
Comparison of marketed Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents Relaxivities on Clinical MR scanner at 1.5T, 3T and 7T in water and plasma for a large range of physiological concentrations
Alexandre Vignaud 1 , Xavier Violas 2 , Alain Rahmouni 3 , Philippe Robert 2 , and Alexis Amadon 1
UNIRS/NeuroSpin/I2BM/DSV, CEA, Gif Sur
Yvette, France,
Imaging, Guerbet Group, Aulnay Sous Bois, France,
Mdicale Service, Henri Mondor Albert Chenevier group,
AP-HP, Creteil, France
Several papers reported contrast agent (CA) relaxivity
measurements at several clinical magnetic fields. None
have investigated them on a large physiologically
relevant range including first pass equivalent
concentrations. Thus B1 and B0 heterogeneities make this
data difficult to extract at Ultra High Field (UHF). In
this work, using state of the art relaxometry methods,
we measured r1 and r2 as a function of B0 (1.5, 3 and
7T) for a large CA concentration window
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