Abstract #3184
Phase Contrast at Ultra-High Field - Establishing the Imaging Workflow
Johannes Lindemeyer 1 , Michael S. Poole 1 , Desmond H. Y. Tse 1 , Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens 1 , and N. Jon Shah 1,2
INM - 4, Research Centre Jlich GmbH, Jlich,
of Neurology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Gradient echo based phase mapping for susceptibility
reconstructions in the human brain requires careful data
evaluation at ultra-high field. We present a workflow
including recombination of multiple receive channels and
advanced processing methods for obtaining background
corrected field and susceptibility maps. Correction of
the individual receive channels for spatially varying
phase offsets represents an essential processing step.
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