Abstract #2972
Increase in sensitivity and signal stability in 17O MRI using a cryogenic RF probe
Mark Aurel Augath 1 , Aline Seuwen 1 , Stefan Zwick 2 , and Markus Rudin 1
Inst. for Biomedical Engineering, ETH and
University Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland,
BioSpin, Fllanden, Switzerland
The assessment of CMRO2 with 17O-MRI is hampered by a
34000 times smaller signal than that of 1H. In this
study we present a cryogenic RF coil for the use of 17O-
MRI at 54.27 MHz and make a comparison with a home-built
room temperature coil. The 16 mm cryogenic 17O coil was
cooled to 30 K and had a Q of 480. Single pulse
acquisitions yielded an SNR gain of about 5.3 and a gain
in signal stability of more than 8 compared to the room
temperature coil. 3D-FLASH images of H217O the mouse
brain were acquired of with 1x1x2 mm3 resolution.
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