Abstract #2499
Reduced FOV velocity mapping by complex subtraction unfolding
Maya Khalif 1 , Ludovic de Rochefort 1 , Dima Rodriguez 1 , and Emmanuel Durand 1
Imagerie par Rsonance Magntique Mdicale
et Multi-modalits (IR4M), Universit Paris-Sud- CNRS,
Orsay, France
Motion encoding sequences require a long acquisition
time. To reduce motion artifacts on the time-resolved
images, a relatively long breath-hold, reaching 25 to 30
seconds, is required from the patient. A technique that
allows dynamic acquisition time optimization through
field of view (FOV) reduction was proposed and studied
in order to reduce breath-hold duration. The technique
unfolds fold-over regions by complex difference of two
images, one of which is motion encoded and the other
acquired without an encoding gradient. By implementing
this method, Proof-of-concept is demonstrated on a
volunteer providing stimulating preliminary results in
order to achieve multi-dimensional velocity and
acceleration mapping in a single breath-hold.
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