Abstract #1777
Anatomical connections of the Visual Word Form Area
Florence Bouhali 1 , Michel Thiebaut de Schotten 1,2 , Philippe Pinel 3 , Cyril Poupon 3 , Jean-Franois Mangin 3 , Stanislas Dehaene 4 , and Laurent Cohen 1
Brain and Spine Institute, Paris, France,
- Institute of Psychiatry, Paris, France,
Paris, France,
de France, Paris, France
The visual word form area (VWFA), a region
systematically involved in the identification of written
words, occupies a reproducible location in the left
occipito-temporal sulcus in expert readers of all
cultures. Such a reproducible localization is
paradoxical, given that reading is a recent invention
that could not have influenced the genetic evolution of
the cortex. Here, we revealed that the VWFA recycles a
region of the ventral visual cortex that shows a high
degree of anatomical connectivity to perisylvian
language areas, thus providing an efficient circuit for
both grapheme-phoneme conversion and lexical access.
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