Abstract #1603
Motion Correction in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging using Intermediate Pseudo-Trace-Weighted Images
David Andrew Porter 1 and Stefan Huwer 1
Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen,
This paper introduces a new motion-correction technique
for high-angular-resolution diffusion imaging studies.
The method uses an optimized set of diffusion gradient
vectors, which allows intermediate images to be
calculated with a contrast that approximates to that of
a trace-weighted image. The low contrast variation makes
these intermediate images useful for motion tracking
during the time series. Studies in healthy subjects
suggest that the method delivers motion parameter
estimates that are similar to those provided by
interleaved low-b-value images. The temporal resolution
can be optimized by using a sliding-window method, in
which the intermediate image is updated after each
diffusion-weighted volume.
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