Abstract #1415
Comparison between Single-Shot Diffusion Weighted Methodologies at 3 and 7 Tesla on Brain Volunteers
Eddy Solomon 1 , Noam Ben-Eliezer 2 , Daniel K. Sodickson 2 , and Lucio Frydman 1
Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel,
and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New
York, NY, United States
The potential of a recently proposed single-shot
methodology, SPatio-temporal ENcoding (SPEN), was
explored towards brain diffusion imaging on a 7T
whole-body scanner. To better evaluate this imaging
performance, studies were repeated at 3T, and done in
parallel with diffusion-weighted SE-EPI scans. In both
axial and coronal scans, SPEN evidenced a higher
robustness to overcome the B0-inhomogeneities that arise
particularly at 7T and also at 3T. The diffusion
measurements of the brain showed fair agreement between
both acquisitions methods, even despite the slight
differences evidenced between the 3T and 7T ADC maps.
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