Abstract #1394
Noise Reduction of Impulse Response Function of the Encoding Fields Calculation
Frederik Testud 1 , Johanna S. Vannesj 2 , Christoph Barmet 2,3 , Klaas P. Pruessmann 2 , Jrgen Hennig 1 , and Maxim Zaitsev 1
Medical Physics, Department of Radiology,
University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany,
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zrich,
Zrich, Switzerland,
Magnetic Resonance Technologies, Zrich, Switzerland
The Impulse Response function of the scanners Encoding
Fields (IREFs) allows improving the scanners
preemphasis or the image reconstruction by predicting
the encoding trajectory. The impulse response function
was assessed by mean of magnetic field monitoring where
the field evolution of triangular-shaped waveforms were
used as inputs. The IREFs need to be low-pass filtered
to reduce high-frequency noise. We propose to achieve
this by obtaining the field probes phase derivative
using the Savitzky-Golay filter and to use the discrete
test waveform for IREF calculation. The repetition
number can be potentially reduced by the proposed
improvements in the impulse response calculation.
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