Abstract #1361
A Numerical Study Comparing Adult Body, Head and Knee Coils for Paediatric MRI
Gemma R Cook 1 , Martin J Graves 1 , Owen J Arthurs 2 , Fraser J Robb 3 , and David J Lomas 1
Radiology, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, United Kingdom,
Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom,
Healthcare Coils, Aurora, OH, United States
Limited availability of dedicated paediatric coils means
MRI is typically performed using a transmit/receive coil
(considered to be more SAR and SNR advantageous). This
study uses a FEM-compatible model of a two month infant
inside birdcage coils of typical body, head and knee
coil sizes. Transmit and receive fields were calculated
and the Specific Absorption Rate (normalised to 4W/kg)
was calculated for 1cm cubes. SAR maps determined the
heat source for further temperature change simulations
and maximal SAR and temperature change positions were
compared to determine the advantages of each coil.
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