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Abstract #1205

Sodium MRI of Cartilage Repair Tissue in the Ankle Joint at 7T

Stefan Zbyn 1 , Stephan E. R. Domayer 2 , Martin O. Brix 1,2 , Sebastian Apprich 1,2 , Jochen G. Hofstaetter 2 , Sonja M. Walzer 2 , Vladimir Mlynarik 1 , Vladimir Juras 1 , Reinhard Windhager 2 , and Siegfried Trattnig 1

1 High Field MR Centre, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2 Department of Orthopedics, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria

To our best knowledge, this is the first report on employing sodium (23Na) MRI for the evaluation of native cartilage and cartilage repair tissue in the ankle joint. Data from cadaver ankle samples demonstrate that 23Na MRI is sensitive to changes in the GAG content of thin tibial and talar cartilage in the ankle. Observed 23Na concentrations in the volunteers are in agreement with previous findings, and demonstrate feasibility of the quantification of 23Na concentration in cartilage of the ankle joint at 7T. 23Na MRI may be useful for the noninvasive evaluation of the repair tissue in the ankle joint.

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