Abstract #1187
Quantitative and Diffusion MR imaging as a New Method to Assess Partial-thickness Rotator Cuff Tear
Huan-Chu Lo 1 , Sheng-Tsai Hung 1 , Duen-Pang Kuo 1 , and Hung-Maan Lee 1
Armed Forces Taoyuan General Hospital,
Taoyuan, Taiwan, Taiwan
Partial-thickness rotator cuff tear is usually depicted
by a focal hyperintensity within a tear shown on
fat-suppression T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging
(FS-T2WI). However, the hyperintensity is not always
easily detected by FS-T2WI. To investigate the
diagnostic performance of diffusion-weighted magnetic
resonance imaging (DWI) for assessment of
partial-thickness rotator cuff tears by means of lesion
to muscle signal intensity ratios (L/M SIR ) as an
alternative method.
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