Abstract #1180
High Resolution Qualitative and Quantitative MR Imaging of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint at 11.7T and 3.0T with Anatomic and Histologic Correlation
Diego A Garcia 1 , Higor Grando 1 , Kenyu Iwasaki 1 , Reni Biswas 1 , Sheronda Statum 1 , Eric Y Chang 1 , Graeme M Bydder 1 , and Christine B Chung 1
Radiology, VA San Diego Healthcare System -
UCSD, San Diego, California, United States
The plantar plate has been identified as a major
stabilizer structure of the metatarsophalangeal joint.
The purpose of the study is to provide high-resolution
and quantitative MR evaluation of the first MTP joint.
Imaging of the first MTP joints were performed on 3T and
11.7T MR system of five cadaveric forefeet, and each
specimen were subsequently correlated with gross and
histologic anatomy. Through high-resolution MR imaging
we demonstrate that the first plantar plate is a dynamic
capsuloligamentous complex. Quantitative MR of important
structures of the first MTP joint may allow for earlier
diagnosis, stage of injury, and therapeutic monitoring.
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