Abstract #1137
Serial Imaging of Physiological and Metabolic Changes in Response to Radiotherapy with Tumor-Bearing Mice
Masayuki Matsuo 1 , Shingo Matsumoto 1 , Keita Saito 1 , Yoichi Takakusagi 1 , Douglas Morris 2 , Jeeva Munasinghe 2 , Nallathamby Devasahayam 1 , Sankaran Subramanian 1 , James Mitchell 1 , and Murali Krishna 1
Radiation Biology Branch, National Institues
oh Health, North Bethesda, MaryLand, United States,
Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke, National
Institues oh Health, North Bethesda, MaryLand, United
A non-invasive co-imaging system of pO2 and pyruvate
metabolism was developed to visualize the correlation
between tumor oxygen status and energy metabolism.
SCCVII and HT29 were compared when the size of both
tumors was similar. We investigated the effect of single
5 Gy irradiation on the relationship in HT29 tumors.
SCCVII has significantly larger hypoxic sub-region (pO2
< 8 mmHg) than HT29. Lactate/pyruvate ratio in 0-8mmHg
of 1 day after 5Gy irradiation of HT29 is higher than of
non irradiation of HT29 that is explained by decreased
perfusion, decreased tumor pO2, and increased
extracellular acidification rate.
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