Abstract #0865
Improved cortical boundary registration for locally distorted fMRI
Tim van Mourik 1 , Peter J Koopmans 1 , and David G Norris 1
Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging,
Nijmegen, Netherlands
We propose a registration method that corrects local
distortion in functional scans, using the brain surfaces
as constructed by FreeSurfer. An iterative procedure of
Boundary Based Registration (Greve & Fischl 2009) is
used in a multiscale approach to register parts of the
brain, first at the whole-brain level, then at smaller
levels. The specificity increases at each stage and
accurately and robustly corrects for local mismatches
between the structural and the functional volumes. This
non-linear registration greatly improves the spatial
accuracy, which allows for laminar analysis.
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