Abstract #0602
Modulated closed form solution for quantitative susceptibility mapping
Diana Khabipova 1 , Rolf Gruetter 1,2 , and Marques P. Jos 3
LIFMET, EPFL, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland,
University of Geneva, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland,
University Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) has shown the
potential delivering iron deposition estimations in deep
grey matter structures. Compared to multiple orientation
acquisitions, many proposed regularization methods
remain time consuming, rely on careful regularization
selection and provide inferior results. A recently
proposed closed-form solution including an
l2-regularization allows fast reconstructions. Our
methodology uses additional k-space position dependent
modulation, thus avoiding regularizing not ill-posed
regions and being effective without showing signs of
over-smoothing QSM maps. Optimal modulation enables
largely independence from regularization parameters,

Being comparable for
an order of magnitude greater than optimum makes it
ideal for unsupervised usage.
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