Abstract #0595
Calibrated MRI in patients with occlusive cerebrovascular disease.
J. B. De Vis 1 , E. T. Petersen 1 , N. S. Hartkamp 1 , A. Bhogal 1 , C. J.M. Klijn 2 , L. J. Kappelle 2 , and J. Hendrikse 1
Radiology, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht,
Calibrated MRI is an upcoming non-invasive technique to
evaluate brain metabolism. So far, it has only been
evaluated in healthy volunteers and has not been used in
patients yet. In this study we investigate the potential
of calibrated MRI to study hemodynamic impairment in
patients with cerebrovascular disease. Our patients
demonstrate lower BOLD reactivity but equal oxygen
extraction fraction suggesting impaired vascular
reactivity. In addition, we find that blood flow through
collateral pathways introduces artefacts in 27% of our
patients limiting the use of calibrated MRI in patients
with cerebrovascular disease.
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