Abstract #0545
Parallel transmission approach for 7T based on optically controlled on-coil CMCD amplifiers
Natalia Gudino 1 , Qi Duan 1 , Joe Murphy-Boesch 1 , Jacco A de Zwart 1 , Hellmut Merkle 1 , Peter Van Gelderen 1 , and Jeff H Duyn 1
Advanced MRI section, LFMI, NINDS, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
An approach to perform parallel RF transmission with
on-coil CMCD amplifiers at 7T is evaluated. An optimized
2-channel prototype based on eGaN FET technology was
built and tested. Artifact-free images of a gel phantom
were obtained by transmitting with the array and
receiving signal with a detunable volume receive coil.
The results suggest that this technology provides a
practical solution for the use of multi-channel
B1-shimming and other parallel transmit applications at
high field.
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