Abstract #0539
Metabolic flux analysis of acetylcarnitine turnover and mitochondrial oxidation of [2-13C]acetate in rat skeletal muscle in vivo measured by 13C MRS
Jessica A.M. Bastiaansen 1 , Joao M.N. Duarte 1 , and Rolf Gruetter 1,2
Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland,
of Radiology, University of Geneva and University of
Lausanne, Switzerland
Acetylcarnitine is a necessary intermediate in acetate
metabolism. Time courses of 13C labeled acetylcarnitine
would allow for more detailed mathematical models to
quantify mitochondrial oxidation of acetate. Using
localized DEPT we monitored 13C enrichment and isotope
turnover in glutamate and acetylcarnitine in skeletal
muscle in vivo following [2-13C]acetate infusion. Two
different modeling approaches were evaluated to
determine metabolic fluxes, either with or without the
13C labeling of acetylcarnitine and the enzymatic fluxes
of acetylCoA synthesase (ACS) and acetylcarnitine
transferase (CAT).
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