Abstract #0455
Detailing the Relation Between Renal T2* and Renal Tissue pO2 Using a Hybrid and Integrated Approach of Parametric MRI and Invasive Physiological Measurements (MR-PHYSIOL)
Andreas Pohlmann 1 , Jan Hentschel 1 , Karen Arakelyan 1 , Kathleen Cantow 2 , Bert Flemming 2 , Mechthild Ladwig 2 , Uwe Hoff 3 , Erdmann Seeliger 2 , and Thoralf Niendorf 1
Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility, Max
Delbrueck Center for Moleculare Medicine, Berlin,
of Physiology and Center for Cardiovascular Research,
Charit Medical Faculty, Berlin, Germany,
and Intensive Care Medicine, Campus Virchow-Klinikum and
Center for Cardiovascular Research,
Charite-Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Acute kidney injuries of various origins share one
common feature: imbalance between renal oxygen delivery
and demand. T2* mapping offers a non-invasive approach
to probe renal oxygenation. Changes in tissue pO2 and
T2* may be closely related but for a physiological
interpretation of T2* a calibration using an integrative
approach that combines parametric MR with physiological
measurements is prudent if not essential. This work
employs an integrative hybrid approach that combines
established invasive but quantitative techniques with a
small animal MR system (MR-PHYSIOL) with the ultimate
goal to detail the relation between tissue pO2 and T2*
using (patho)physiologically relevant interventions.
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