Abstract #0246
ECG/Navigator-Free 4D Whole-Heart Coronary MRA with Simultaneous Visualization of Cardiac Function and Anatomy
Jianing Pang 1,2 , Zhaoyang Fan 2 , Reza Arsanjani 2 , Daniel S Berman 2 , and Debiao Li 2,3
Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States,
Imaging Research Institiute, Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
We have demonstrated a fully self-gated 4D whole-heart
imaging technique with high isotropic spatial resolution
and near 100% imaging efficiency through respiratory
motion correction and retrospective cardiac gating. No
ECG or diaphragm navigator is needed. The 4D
visualization allows one to determine the precise
quiescent period retrospectively. Future efforts will be
focused on optimizing of the sequence and reconstruction
parameters, as well as comparing the dual-mode
reconstruction against existing coronary MRA and cine
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