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Abstract #3130

The Effects of Pro- and Anti-Angiogenic Factors on Spinal Cord Injury

Sundberg L, Ahobila-Vajjula P, Narayana P
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

In vivo, longitudinal MR studies were performed on a cohort of rats receiving treatments to modulate angiogenesis following spinal cord injury (SCI). Assessment of open-field locomotion and MRI scans were performed on days 7, 14, 28, 42, and 56 post-injury. T2-weighted images were evaluated for lesions; regions of interest, which included areas of hypo- and hyperintense contrast, were manually selected and lesion volumes were quantified. Comparison between treatments suggests that administration of VEGF in the early stages of injury reduces necrosis 56 days after SCI, while treatment with -VEGF is detrimental.